Monday, 14 December 2015

Important Considerations for a Coffee Business

If you want to go into the coffee shop business, you would of course want to succeed. There is no one sure recipe for success, however. Experience, hard work, and luck are all essential. There are certain critical areas that you should pay attention to if you want a financially sustainable coffee business.
Prepare a well-thought out business plan. Do not expect to have everything fall into place without a solid plan to guide you. Planning is essential. Having contingency plans is necessary. Some businesses start without even having half a year of operating capital, demonstrating a clear lack of forward planning that can easily lead to failure. If you do not have extra funds for contingencies like a broken coffee-maker, this is a sure recipe for business breakdown.
Spend time in thinking and designing an efficient floor plan. Visualize where customers will form lines. Plan out the work areas so that coffee and other items on the menu can quickly be prepared by your staff - with all the things they need within easy access. Envision a seating area that is snug and relaxing for your customers. Make sure that you put down all your ideas on paper.
When you are just starting, do not be tempted to hire as many people as you can afford. Hire some neighbours and friends on a temporary basis first. Then study the work flow and your staffing requirements based on actual need. Hire staff and bring them on board slowly. Do not give your full trust straight on. Keep a sharp eye on the register. If you make a mistake and hire a bad seed, do not be afraid of letting go.
Push to make multiple sales. People will patronize your coffee shop if you sell good coffee and your place is a relaxing and comfortable place to be in. Do not rely on just the coffee sales. Serve other things that go well with coffee - cakes, cookies, muffins, among others. Offer other beverages as alternatives to coffee - soda, juices, and tea.
Keep your standards high. Serve the best coffee and food. Keep the workplace efficient and neat. Streamline the workflow to provide fast and competent service. Train your employees and always demand them to give your best. Remember, however, to lead by example. If your people see your passion, your industry, your dedication, and your commitment to excellence, they will try to follow suit.

1 comment:

  1. You left a url on my blog and as I say before the comments section, I don't allow that. I've had to delete your comment because of this.
